Holistic Healing
for a better life!

Psyche & Soul is a private practice in Wichita, Kansas offering a variety of therapy/counseling services, educational resources, multiple forms of Reiki, energy, and body work with a specialization in treating trauma using both scientific and holistic approaches.

Featured Services


Therapy: Trauma and PTSD

Help with anxiety, depression and stress management for individuals, couples and families.


Reiki and Body Work

The energy body and physical body are part of a holistic healing approach.


Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis consists of a therapist giving guidance to the client while in a hypnotic/relaxed state. Hypnotherapy provides a safe space for clients to speak from a hypnotic/relaxed state for resolving inner conflicts and dissolving trauma.


Meditation and Personal Introspection

Learning how the mind works while also using meditation as a way of becoming more aware of mental and spiritual authenticity.

Paths to Healing and Recovery.


One-on-One Sessions

Book a session for one-on-one therapies.



Learn and grow together for accelerated awareness, clarity and growth.


Books, Podcast and Special Audio Programs

Resources to support your healing and growth.

In my work, I help individuals develop a basic understanding of PTSD, introduce coping skills, aid in symptom management, and provide information about some of the more difficult issues that need to be addressed in PTSD.

Dr. Jeremy Crosby

About Dr. Crosby

I’m a Psychologist specializing in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

I earned a Doctor of Psychology degree (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology from Indiana State University in 2001, then completed advanced training at the VA Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, including specialized treatment of PTSD and trauma-related disorders, medical psychology, chronic pain, biofeedback, smoking cessation and hypnosis.

Healing and Recovery Resources


Special Audio Programs






Let’s get Started

We provide compassionate care for growth, recovery and healing.

Ready To Transform Your Life?

  • Creating balance of mind, body and spirit through traditional and non-traditional therapy approaches.